
Is There A Way To Get Money For The Miles You Drove On Uber

If yous are like me you are curious near how much Uber charges per mile.

It's helpful to know when comparison prices and it too sheds light on how the pricing works in conjunction with other fees.

In this article I volition suspension down everything you need to know virtually how much Uber charges per mile and also cover some of the other fees you will see, so that you lot will accept a complete understanding of the Uber pricing organisation.

How much does Uber charge per mile?

The cost per mile will change based on the type of fare that yous buy and other factors like location simply generally you can expect to be charged between $1 to $two per mile.

It's important to note that there are many other fees that go into your full fare which I will encompass below.

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Breakdown of Uber fees

The cost per mile is just one pocket-sized fee when it comes to an Uber ride.

It helps to understand all of the different fees and charges that Uber will hit you with so that yous will accept a consummate agreement of your Uber charges.

Here's a list of the fees you lot can look:

  • Base of operations fare
  • Long selection up fee (If applicable)
  • Minimum fare
  • Toll per mile
  • Cost per minute
  • Fixed Booking fee
  • Per-minute expect time
  • Tip

Let's go through each of these individually then you tin see what to expect for each one.

I will use a sample booking that I made inside the Tucson, Arizona area to illustrate the prices.

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Base of operations Fare

The base fare is a flat fee charged at the beginning of every ride.

This is often a very pocket-size amount. For example, for a trip I pulled upward in Tucson, Arizona it was only $1.30.

On other occasions, I have seen this fare below one dollar, so it is often pretty negligible.

Long selection up fee

If yous have a long pick up schedule and then you may exist hit with per minute and per mile option up fees.

For a sample booking I did, the per minute pick upwardly fee was $.17 per minute and the per mile choice upward fee was $.80 per mile.

(These may be the same rates as the rates during your trip while you are sitting in the car as a passenger.)

Minimum fare

The minimum fare is a mandatory minimum amount that you lot must pay for your trip.

Information technology is only relevant if your fare total would be below the minimum corporeality.

This fee is prepare in lodge to encourage Uber drivers to choice up individuals on brusque rides because otherwise such short rides would non be profitable enough to incentivize them to pick up passengers.

For a 10 minute ride in Arizona, the minimum fare came out to $9.lxxx for an UberX ride.

Cost per mile

This is how much your trip is going to price you per mile that you are riding as a passenger.

As stated to a higher place, this amount tin can change. For my Arizona trip, the price per mile was $i.21.

If you accept chosen a fare like UberXL, the cost per mile could exist significantly higher.

For example, a simple price from Union Foursquare to SFO in San Francisco shows a cost per mile at $ii.47.

Notation: If you are heading out on a very long ride that involves hours of riding then you may be charged a minimum fare of $50 per hour.

Cost per infinitesimal

In improver to getting charged per mile, you also become charged per minute. The charge per minute is mostly very depression and in my example it was at $.xiv.

This is something to keep your eye on when traveling with some Uber drivers because it could incentivize them to have a longer drive to go you somewhere.

Because the charge per minute is then low this is not a huge concern but at that place could be some shady actors out there who would try to take advantage of this.

Booking fee

The booking fee, which used to be called the "safe rides fee," is a mandatory fee that you lot must pay for each trip that you have. It is presumably meant to help embrace things like operating costs.

This fee changes depending on the type of fare that yous book.

For a UberX ride, your booking fee will probably exist a little over 2 dollars. For instance, it might be $ii.15 or $2.xx.

For other type of rides, the fixed booking fee can actually exist a decent amount higher. When I checked the fee for a Uber comfort, the stock-still booking fee was $ii.86.

For other services such every bit UberXL, the booking fee will probably be around $ii.50.

In improver to the fixed booking fee, there volition also be a per mile booking fee on some rides. This is usually a very small amount and I have seen it as depression as five cents per mile.

Note: Yous may non see this booking fee if you are booking 1 of the more premium services such as UberBlack or UberSUV

Related: Uber Passenger Rating: Everything you demand to know

Per-infinitesimal wait time

If your commuter has to look for you to get in at the vehicle for a certain corporeality of time, such equally over two minutes and then you will likely be charged a look time.

This wait fourth dimension is charged per infinitesimal and the amount can vary. I've seen it range from something like $.25 to $.60 per minute.


The last charge that you need to think about is the tip. Tipping is optional but it is recommended to provide a little tip, typically at to the lowest degree 10% is good although some people like to tip more.

Related: Should You Tip Uber Eats Drivers?

Surge charges

If yous are trying to get a ride during a very busy time, y'all will likely become hit with surge charges.

This amount is calculated by taking your total fare and and then multiplying it by a set surge price multiplier. The multiplier volition depend on the need at the fourth dimension but it could be something like ii times or iii times the amount of your fare.

The price is hiked in order to encourage other drivers to come into the expanse to meet up with the demand of passengers.

The highest surge charges that I accept came across are ordinarily directly after a big outcome ends. For instance, if you lot are leaving a stadium subsequently a football game or baseball game game, those surge prices can drastically increase.

Other instances that I've seen involve bad weather such as a bad pelting storm that comes in quickly and leaves a lot of people without the ability to walk to their destination.

Cancellation fees

There are a diverseness of cancellation fees that y'all should exist aware of.

The first is a rider no-show fee. Basically, if y'all never show up for the driver you can exist hit with a $5 fee.

If you choose to cancel the ride and then you may be hitting with a standard cancellation fee of $5.

There may also exist boosted fees based on the per mile or per minute rates.

And then whatever the per minute and per mile rates are for the trip or for the pick upward, you may be responsible for roofing those upwards to the point of canceling.

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How to figure out the cost per mile

If you are trying to figure out how much your trip will cost per mile, it is extremely to like shooting fish in a barrel to exercise this with the Uber app.

Simply enter in your destination details so select the type of Uber ride that you volition be using (UberX, UberXL, etc.)

Click on the type of Uber fare you are interested and you should run into an information circle next to the words "Affordable, every day rides."

Get alee and click on that and you will come across the complete breakdown of your fare.

This is an judge of your fare so it could differ slightly at the fourth dimension that yous complete the ride based on things like tolls or surcharges.

Information technology may also change based on the length, duration, or route if your trip ends up changing.

Even so it is a good guess and you tin can cheque the per mile charge is pretty easily.

As mentioned to a higher place, you lot will run across a minimum fare per mile and likewise a stock-still booking fee per mile.

Typically, the fixed booking fee per mile will be substantially less than the minimum fare per mile.

For example, in the UberX example that I took from Arizona the charge per mile was 1 dollar for the minimum fare and the charge per mile for the booking fee was v cents.

Related: What is Uber VIP?

Final give-and-take

The cost per mile on an Uber ride will change based on things similar the type of fare you have booked and too your location. This amount can oftentimes be between one to two dollars.

Information technology'south important to remember that the cost per mile is just one charge among a handful of other fees that go into pricing an Uber ride.


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