
Can Installing A New Furnace Save Me Money

  • Heating

Is upgrading my furnace worth the cost? Volition it save coin on my energy bill?

Past Jason Gassmann, President | Jan 09, 2018

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We receive many calls from customers asking if they should upgrade from a 90% to a 96% efficiency furnace.

It depends.

First, it's important to have a high-efficiency furnace in your home to help protect yourself from loftier utility bills. A high-efficiency furnace has a rating of 90% or above. So, what does the 90% efficient rating mean? If a furnace is rated at 90% information technology means 10% of the energy used is lost, and xc% becomes heat.

If yous have a 90% efficiency or above furnace that's ten years old or less, to upgrade to a 96% efficient furnace probably doesn't make a lot of sense. Why? Considering depending on the size of the furnace you're looking at, yous may just salve $50 to $100 in free energy costs per yr. That's almost nothing compared to the cost of a new furnace.

But wait!

When you expect at the overall free energy consumption of a furnace, you lot need to expect at how much gas it volition utilise AND how much electricity volition it use to move warm air through the firm. What makes a divergence in electric consumption is the type of blower motor in the furnace. Yes, at that place are 2 primary type of blower motors:

Standard furnace motor — Many of the 90% efficient furnaces installed since the 1980s use a standard blower motor. Meaning the furnace only operates at 1 speed — typically fast — and provides a sudden, noisy boom of air. These motors are much larger than the motors used today to move warm air throughout your dwelling house … pregnant they are not very energy efficient.

Variable-speed furnace motor — A variable speed blower motor runs at unlike speeds to precisely command the menstruation of heated air throughout your habitation. It constantly monitors the data coming from your heating and cooling system and automatically adjusts to meet your comfort needs. Plus, a variable speed motor gradually ramps upward to full speed eliminating the sudden, noisy nail of a standard furnace motors. The best news … a variable speed furnace motor is 80–85% more efficient than a standard furnace motor.

So, if you are going to upgrade from a xc% to a 96% efficient furnace make sure it has a variable speed furnace motor, and y'all could enjoy energy savings of up to $400 a twelvemonth. Otherwise it'southward not worth the investment.

Let's epitomize...

  • If y'all don't have a 90% efficiency or college furnace in your home, and so yes it may well be worth the cost to upgrade. Request a free estimate today!
  • Brand certain the 96% efficient furnace has a variable speed motor, otherwise you will not recoup your investment.


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